“A dense and hoary primeval forest in Volhynia. The scene is a spacious glade in the heart of the forest, dotted with willows and one very old oak. At one end the glade turns into tussocks and reedy growths, and then into a vivid green marsh, the shore of a woodland lake formed by a stream which runs through the forest. The stream emerges from a dense thicket, empties into the lake and comes out at the end of it, only to lose itself again in the undergrowth. The lake itself is a placid sheet of calm water, covered with duckweed and water lilies except for a clean open space in the center.

The spot is wild and mysterious but not gloomy, filled with the tender, pensive beauty of Polissye, the wooded part of the province of Volhynia.” ("Forest Song" Lesya Ukrainka)


In such a wonderful nature of Lutsk on the picturesque banks of the River Stir live our beagles. Our great dogs are constantly always move, hunt & travel. Our first female Terra od Troch tabiel, we brought in 2012 from Slovak kennel "od Troch tabiel", sincerely grateful Jarka and Vladimir Shpak for such a nice girl. Since then, we have decided that we need another beagle. And a year later we found an excellent perspective girl, in a Hungarian kennel Széphegyi-Szimat, so in 2013 we get Széphegyi-Szimat Katlyn. But in 2013 we got Slovakian boy Zorro od troch tabiel. We create the best conditions for our beagle. Our kennel is working closely with kennels of Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Serbia, Russia and Ukraine of course. We try not to stand still, but develop and contribute to the development of such a wonderful and beloved beagle breed.

In 2014 we have registered kennel GREAT BEAGLE at Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) and awarded № 306/14.

More info
Phone: +38 093 88 35 902 Email: anton_082@yahoo.com
43018 LUTSK
Location in google Maps